Friday, September 28, 2007

Cuadra admits Kruezer is correct about big name Escort Client List

Accused murderer Harlow Cuadra finally admitted on his blog last night what our colleague Damon Kruezer has been saying all along: That there is a client list with some very big names deriving from his operation of the Norfolk Companions escort service with his partner, co-defendant Joe Kerekes.

Previously Cuadra stated as a fact to Kruezer and others that some of Norfolk Companions clients included a closeted Republican senator and a cabinet secretary, among others.

No one believed him at the time, and they came down on Kruezer when he said:

"there is an encrypted client list on a USB key drive with some names and sexual specialties that will make Senator Craig look positively minor by comparison."

Should we believe Cuadra now about the client list - which he offers for auction at

Should those who trash talked about Kruezer for saying there WAS a client list apologize and retract their hateful comments?

Readers, you be the judge.


Anonymous said...

I'm astounded by this and I'm impressed that Harlow Cuadra gives Kruezer the respect he is due. But the biggest question is whose names are on that client list and how it may be used before and during trial. I hope Kruezer mentioned this in his call to the attorneys. Your blog and Kruezer's site are the best sources for information about this very puzzling and strange case.

Anonymous said...

So Harlow or whoever was writing his blog at the time lied about the client list? I thought so. Who would believe they would have no record of their clients for callbacks and referrals? Good thing U did in calling out Elm and pointing out how damaging he is to their case. That guy is way too personal and now that Dexx Jones has emerged from his slumber thanks to you guys, its clear what his agenda is and that hes been pulling Elm's strings for weeks.

Keep going guys, the truth is being revealed.

Anonymous said...

go and see Harlow he is very lonely and scared and wont give in to othesr tryin to manipulate him any more. i know i been in jail on felonie chrages and its scary u find out who yer freinds are.

Anonymous said...

You are making your enemies very nervous. The worm has turned and they know it. The battle has just started. I love the way you always keep them guessing and deliberately provoke those you want to involve. They hate you but they also need you. Without you they have no purpose.

Anonymous said...

Zenoble and Damon the latest turnabout on Harlow's blog makes no sense. First Harlow says he wants your help and appreciates what you intend and then the next day he or whoever is writing the blog goes in the opposite direction while making a lame excuse about how he's just trying to be polite to everyone. I think the original comment was from Harlow but then his ghostwriter was gotten to and was influenced to write against Damon. The differences between the 2 postings are major. The whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth if Harlow's blog is so easily manipulated and doesn't show what Harlow is actually saying.

Anonymous said...

Too much backtracking on Harlow's blog and its too obviously written by various people. All of it unhelpful or even majorly damaging.
Harlow should shut down his blog with the nudie pics because it totally sends the wrong message.

I like what Damon says in his presz releasse tho. Harlow and Joe need him to speak for them as one voice instead of so many anonymous ppl in the mix all claiming to speak 4 them.

Anonymous said...

Keep following Rep. Pat McHenry and his documented association with shooter Jason Drake. The talk I hear about Brent Corrigan's first boyfriend telling your people something about this adds fuel to the fire.

Anonymous said...

Anybody else find it interesting that the caller/emailer using Cuadra's standard picture to set up a meeting with Kocis called himself "Drake" ??